Chin Up, Chin Up

Chin up, chin up,
everybody loves a happy face.
Wear it, share it,
it'll brighten up the darkest place.
Twinkle, sparkle,
let a little sunshine in.
You'll be on the right side,
looking at the bright side...
up with your chinny chin chin!!!!
Charlotte's Web

Merrick didn't have school today, so we hung out all day. We watched Charlotte's Web (an animated movie) in the basement while we were crafting, and then we built blocks in the living room. I went with symmetry, and Merrick went with some solid blocking. Mine did topple first, because as I've tried to preach to Merrick..."It's all about the base, about the base, about the base.

I was proud of the way he snapped me. Pretty good cropping, and centered pretty good.

As you can see, we never did get out of our pajamas. It was cold (35F) and rainy a-l-l day long.

Despite listening to Charlotte's was hard to put on a happy face. Dreary, dark, and dank outside...'tho we did have fun indoors.

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