I woke dead early, well 7am is early for a Sunday, and got the car loaded up. I had a couple of hours of work to do and then hit the road just after 10am.

Home for 2pm after hitting traffic on the M42, to a hungover husband (he's never doing it again, apparently). I took the dogs a walk to the In Laws to take them some Cornish eggs and we have just bathed the stinky dogs.

I've had a very unthorough clean of the house and packed up a few eBay things to post, followed by packing my case for London tomorrow and now we are kicking back.

Dinner tonight is junk food to soak up the alcohol for Mr G, so a chinese it is. We both fancy crispy duck - lip smackingly good - and then I predict a very early night for the Gossage clan.

That's another weekend done and dusted folks :)

PS = this is a tree in Mum's garden. Is it fungus or moss or what????

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