Fern caviare

If you look at the back of a polypody fern leaf (it's a common variety with short stiff fronds, often to be seen growing from walls or even on oak trees), you may find rows of yellow or orange spots. They are clusters of sporangia, tiny globes (packed with spores) that resemble minuscule bunches of grapes or fish eggs..  Each one will eventually explode and catapult its spores into the air to be borne away on the wind. Some have done so already here although my camera isn't up to such detail. Better images can be seen here.

(I'm offering this for Abstract Thursday although I struggle a bit with the concept of abstraction in photography, so interested am I in what things depict.  I really don't enjoy separating an image from its meaning. However I found this definition helpful in explaining that abstraction can be used to capture the essence of the subject by focusing just on certain aspects of the whole.
 Does this count or is it too meaningful? What do others think?)
Extra shows the actual fern frond.

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