The Most Awesome Presents

When we were on our way home from our eleven o'clock through the oak meadows, we met my friend Bonny and her dad who were on their way out. Guess what we did? We turned around and walked with them! Me and Bonny ran and played, chased and wrestled, raced and wrestled some more, all the way through the meadows! She is a bit bigger than me, but we are good playmates.

The postman usually comes around the time of my walkies, and today he brought a package with MY name on it! Yay!! I knew it was going to be good because it smelled of Danish collies! And - vanilla?

Everything became clear when we opened it. It was from our very good friends Emmy and the Hazyland boys! Yay!! Awesome treats and a tug toy for me, a beautiful Santa and a Christmas card that is going up on my photo wall! We had lots of fun opening it, and I love my presents! Thank you so much Emmy and the boys!

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