I wonder why

there is a style in the middle of the wood with no path leading to it  either side, you might ask.
But I do know why, because when the council don't know what to do with our money they send a group of people to alter things, so first off they put up wire and fencing posts across the paths that have been used for years, then they create styles and kissing gates where no one goes and try to make people use them, but the in area near where I live the locals don't like being messed about so they cut through the wire and revert to the old paths, which are in the right place for cutting through the woods to and from the main road, or leading into the woodland walk.  The kissing gate was put in a place which fills with water in winter it gets very boggy and so therefore isn't used, the original path was on higher ground which the locals reinstated by cutting the wire. This happens every 3 or 4 years.  Why if they want to fence the field off from the woods they don't use the paths which have been walked for years, I really don't know. I do know it's a waste of time, money and materials.
Molly and Tansy are investigating the style.

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