Drive-by sunset

My feet and hands are still thawing, it was so cold this afternoon during son no 1's team's last competition field-hockey game this year. But they won and they're ahead in their competition, well done. On the way back I captured this golden sunset from the car. Such a beautiful sight, another thing to be thankful for.

I'm also very thankful for all the great entries for last Thursday's AT challenge. There were 64 entries in all and once more it is agonising to have to choose just 5 to give hearts to. I've commented on all of them and given them a star (if not please tell me, sometimes I forget to click on the actual post button!).

Here are the 5 who get my hearts today in random order:
freespiral  for her water reflections abstract
HebbleK    for the great natural abstract
SeaThreePeeO  for the honest, touching and courageous Blip
TMLHereAndThere   for the colourful gifts Blip to thank teachers
Maura143 for a beautiful natural pattern abstract

If you haven't seen all the entries please have a look here, they are all here
Next Thursday will be the first Thursday of the new month, I propose this is a theme-free Thursday to be completely free in your abstract creations. The tag will be #AT75

Thanks very much for all your visits, comments, stars and faves, they're all very appreciated. I'm still really lagging behind with comments and replies, but slowly my life seems to get more organised again.

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