If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Christmas Cactus.

A very lazy day!  Long lie in followed by an early lunch.  After lunch we headed to the Lodge which we had left just as it was when ArcaneSpark and family left.  We decided there was no point cleaning before we put up the Christmas decorations.  So most of the afternoon was spent pottering about (when I wasn't watching the F1).

The Christmas cactus has been pressed into service as an emergency blip.  When I was learning about plants this was Zygocactus now it is Schlumbergia.  Called Christmas cactus because they only flower when days are short, just like Poinsettia only colour up with short days.

Mostly they are either S truncatus or S X buckleyi.  There are only 6 species of Schlumbergia which are native to the coastal areas of south east Brazil

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