Enough is Enough

Meet Marcel Salué who has come to live with us in the Dower House until such time as he is rehoused. He has had a drink problem which has affected his nose to an alarming degree, but is anxious to put this addiction behind him and start a new life.
He is really no bother as he sits on the settee with a smile on his face, but I do worry about his having his wicked way with the two long legged foster dolls who have yet to find forever homes.

I lay the blame for all this soft toy manufacture purely and squarely at the door of Poppy in Orkney who started the ball rolling about a year ago. Because there are just so many jerseys one can knit for accepting daughters, and grandchildren under 5, it does keep the hands busy whilst sitting watching Come Dancing and Attenborough's Planet Earth. I can't conceive of sitting idle while watching television.
However I don't want to become that older woman with every surface festooned with soft toys, so I had better call a halt now. Enough is enough.

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