TETRA tower in morning

Back to work nursing my cold. As I left for work the sun was still in bed, but by the time I made it to the train station in the village the sun had started to stir and the Terrestrial Trunked Radio/Trans-European Trunked Radio ("TETRA") mast has been picked out rather well. Sadly no birds flying past today. Today I remembered to tell the camera to under expose by a stop so the hot spot where the sun was coming up wasn't burnt out and the foreground was thrown into pure shadow as I wanted.

Work was dull, but I managed to get good thing done, which makes up for the lack of work - we have a slight over capacity problem at the moment - so I'm learning new stuff an doing things that will be more useful in the medium term future than the short term future. Sometime it's useful to get time to explore and learn new things before you need them.

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