Disney Eyes

You know it's weird and you are possibly losing the plot when you start a conversation with a seal pup which is lying within inches right next to you the other side of the beach fencing. It's even more weird when people around you think this is quite normal and join in too!

Checking the weather this morning for over the next few days I saw my window, finally for driving up to Donna Nook to see the seal colony on the beach. 

So glad I made the effort as it was just wonderful. I just couldn't help being drawn to the  huge black eyes of the pups with their cuddly roly poly white fur. Just magic! 

There was high drama with angst and aggression between the males, sunbathing, mudbaths, scratching, mother love and 'ah' moments with the babies. I missed by minutes a seal being born and looked on anxiously as another baby had very eveidently lost it's mother and in it's search was being chased and bitten by other mothers. I stood watching this unfold for ages and the little mite went to every mother I could see in turn, only to be rejected. It lolloped off over a sandbank out of sight in the dusk. I didn't have high hopes for it's survival.

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