Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Some Wood and materials I use.......

    Thought I would show you only a tiny proportion of wood I use in making items and the materials I use to glue, seal, sand and polish.
The woods here are:- (working from back to front) Paduak, in front of that is Purple heart, on top is Ash and Oak (these two are ready for turning)
    On the very left is a square piece of Black Walnut ( this is expensive) This piece alone was £50+ When I bought it I only wanted one piece but because I had to buy a minimum length I got two. The first piece I made was a Solitaire Board. You may remember the blips I did on that.
The round Blank at the very back is a wood called Bali which is leaning on a large piece of 'Spalted' Sycamore.

    At the front from left to right is Masking and double sided tape and a container of glue, sanding sealer spray, friction polish, lathe polish and food oil, suitable for items used for food. There are three different grades of gritted sand papers, (120, 240 and 400 grits.) There are coarser and even finer ones depending on what type of finish you require. Normally start with coarse and work up through to the finer ones.

This is just a little insight for you.

Off to camera club tonight in which I have entered two pictures. Will let you know how I get on with that.

Hope you are all well, do keep warm and safe.

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