Reikes small life...

By Reike

The fish, the cat and a couple of missing hands

So, I came upon this fabulous scene. Three cute kittens eating from two fresh fishes. 
And then there was me, with two hands only, in which I had a rope with a horse attached, a lead with a hyperactive dog on the other side of it, and a camera with a lens that offers only aperture 3.5 and needs to be focussed manually. Shit, I thought, now way I can get this picture, and I stopped, thinking: I will try anyway. Told the horse to stand and the dog to sit and STAY! Horse stands, dog sits shivering from excitement. Two of the kittens had watched what's going on and decided to f*** off in the meanwhile, taking the one fish with them. So I got this one chance to throw myself on the ground as much as possible, try to focus on the eyes, snap, and in that moment Djeili couldn't stand it anymore ("Omg, OMG, a fish and a kitten, a fish AND a kitten!"). Off she went, and the kitten decided it would be good to follow her buddies. Then I only had to hold back the dog from eating the fish or alternatively rolling in it (she has done that once in a pet shop...).
Well, the resulting one picture snapped didn't turn out great, but at least you can say I made an effort!

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