Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Kids camp: day 2

Survived another day! Lots of playing with the shops, making videos, (many videos will be soon deleted from my iPad!) some time in the kayak and dory on a grey day with a breeze, a little beach time , a bit of studio (painting little bought birdhouses) and a trip to the marina for ice cream and jumping wakes in the little boat. E and A escaped to go play the sweet 9 hole golf course on Galiano and get lunch out alone.

Family dinners on our excessive lovely screened dining porch are especially appreciated in "bee season" -in fact, that's why it got built! Not many screened porches here but we're from the midwest where they were common. We feel like we're in the woods and looked after by this tree creature. And the sunsets are great from here.

Son E and I still have annoying lumps and itches from those bee bites and H has tried and failed to find where they came far. You can bet we are avoiding that part of the trail......
I'm sneaking time while they are finishing watching "Pirates of the Caribbean" and then it's good night for us all! and on to day 3.

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