
By cowgirl

Sun God?

Well, he thinks he's a god at least!

The cats often sit up on the fence between the garden and the drive to watch over the neighbourhood.

Shadow waits for us to approach him, but Arfa has more of an adrenaline fuelled attitude to life - he leaps down and runs in front of the car as I drive up. Sometimes I have to stop and get out of the car to see where he's standing to be sure I'm not going to run him over. When he sees me, he makes a little squeak and runs to the front door, tail stuck up straight in the air. Only then can I park the car safely, before letting us both into the house. There's something wrong with that cat, but we love him all the more for it!

Having said that, there is currently what sounds like a pair of baby elephants running up and down the stairs ... the normally 'grown up' Shadow and his new love, Deidre, are playing Chase Me Charlie!

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