Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

The deed is done

Takis phoned us after lunch and said he'd be round in an hour. I took a handful of grain down to tempt Stu inside the sheep-shed and shut him in. After that I concentrated very hard on some close work indoors.

The covered space outside the kitchen window is within the dog's domain so he had to be kept inside the house – not normally an issue on a day that is cold and miserable outside and roasty-toasty indoors, but he'd obviously realised that Takis' presence was something to get excited about.
Takis is extremely skilled at this work and I don't believe Stu felt anything other than a momentary surprise. I have to say that the tail looked better on.

No matter how much fun I have with naming animals, they nearly always end up becoming shortened, often via a convoluted evolution; A hen originally named Caramella became Camilla, then Mrs Parker-Bowles, Parker-Bowles, P-B, Peebs; A lamb originally named LBJ became Bijay and then Beej.
So here is the revised list of current lambs;
Lambretta (hungry as a horse) is now Bretta
Scooter is now the male (the hard-sucking one)
Piaggio became Piaggia when we decided to give that name to a female but it's still too long so she is now Vespa. She seems to be getting the vast majority of the udder and none of the bottle.

For the first time since joining Blip I have managed a daily blip for a whole calendar month though I am really not sure I can keep this up. There doesn't seem to be enough time. Perhaps it has been an unusually busy month. Perhaps the act of writing a daily journal enables you to see just how much you do achieve every single day. All I can say is that this embroidery is going really slowly.

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