Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger

On Parenting

Parenting is a lot like translating.
When I started to work as a translator, I had to learn to deal with failure on a daily basis. Every day I stumble upon a passage that is impossible to translate. Sometimes it's a German or English word that doesn't exist in Portuguese; sometimes it's a mental concept that is completely foreign to the Brazilian mind; very often it's simply a matter of incompatible world views. That's when I have to get creative and work my way around that problem trying to stay as close as possible to the original. It's a nice challenge but also a frustrating experience: More often than not I miss the mark awfully. As hard as I try I can find no way of conveying the author's original intention. Translating keeps me humble. 

Every year, our daughter's school prepares a show at the end of the school year. Every class develops a sketch, a song or some other act. It's a huge thing. They start working on it in September and keep practicing for the big day. Isabella never liked it very much, but this year she somehow decided to dive into it. She designed her costume, chose the fabric, took her sketch to the seamstress and explained to her how she wanted it made. She spent hours at home practicing the choreography. And when the big night came, she shined. 
I felt so proud yesterday evening. I caught myself thinking: Well done, daddy

Honestly? Did my daughter get all these talents from me? Most certainly not. Did you teach her any of these skills? No. 
To be honest: It is a miracle Isabella turned out the way she did. Very often I have no idea what should or could be the best decision in her upbringing. Sometimes our personalities clash, sometimes I don't understand what she needs in a specific situation, still I have to take a decision as her father. Sometimes I just have to close my eyes, follow my guts and trust that the damage won't be too big. Most of the time, however, I just try to provide the space in which she can thrive and develop her God-given talents. 
And I have tried to do the same in my work with translation. Instead of imposing my will on a particular language, I try to create a space in which it can unfold it's own beauty. It sounds easier than it is.

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