Prince's Street Gardens

Another beautiful day so off we went for a stroll in Prince's Street Gardens.

I was ever so naughty on my walk this afternoon. Do you want to know what I did?....................... I was walking really nicely on my lead when all of a sudden I heard a noise. A noise that I don't like. So I went mad. I pulled on my lead and did the loudest most ferocious barking that I could. Everyone was looking at me but I didn't care. Ann was really embarrassed because it was really busy and there were loads of people about, but I didn't care. I just kept barking and barking and barking and barking. If I hadn't been on my lead I probably would have gone into 'chasing killer collie' mode!!!

And then........................ do you know what whizzed past me?........................ A skateboarder?! I absolutely HATE, DESPISE & LOATHE skateboarders. There are lots of skateboarders in St Ives (where I usually live) and although I hate them, they know they frighten me, so they always get off their skateboards when they see me. I've never seen a skateboarder in Edinburgh before and I have to say he wasn't very sympathetic to a neurotic little collie like me. He whizzed past me and shouted something very rude that I could not possibly print here. Grrrrr.............. At least the kids in St Ives have respect for gorgeous little collies!

Fortunately the rest of my walk was pretty uneventful but hating these dark afternoons. By 3pm it turns really cold and starts to get dark, so when I come back from my walk I think it's my dinner time. ….................And it never is. Boohooo!

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