
By Cr055ie

Do you want to build a snowman?

A quite day at work today.  Most of the team were on training I think.  So managed to sort a few things out.

This evening we had a wonderful time building a snowman with the young people from plastic cups - about 300 of them.  Typical though that because we needed some, there wasn't a scarf or any gloves in the lost property box!!  We improvised with the latex gloves from the first aid box for hands, and the team bibs tied together for a scarf.  We might find him something more suitable later.  I love the eyelashes a really nice touch.  Sometimes I have to remind myself I get paid to mess around like this. 

Our still as yet nameless snowman stand  at over a metre high.  He really is quiet impressive. 

Might hold a competition at youthie to name him.  I quite like Cuppleditch 

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