twinned with trumpton


After a couple of hours writing reports, I shambled out, around the corner and into outside work mode. Just a quick blast around the neighbourhood; never straying too far and back by lunchtime. I even bumped in to Dave - erstwhile colleague and fellow Boards of Canada fan. Not seen him in a year or more and nice to see him. Considering he lives just along the road, I ought to make more effort to see more often...
Then home (with supplies); did some work and then to Lidl for more supplies. 

A long slog of an afternoon followed; she bumped me for dinner as her lad decided to cook her dinner. We're not sure what the driving force is - his upcoming birthday, his dad telling him he's looking to move overseas, staring into the abyss of being a working adult?? 

Anyway I got on with domesticity and and popped up for an hour and a drink before heading homeward around 10. Welcome to the weekend...

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