Bleak and misty

After stocking up in Alexandria this morning I stopped off at Lomond Shores for a blip and a coffee, but the queue was so long in the Jenners' café that I changed my mind about the latter.

As I wandered through the store I took a half-hearted look at one or two of the rails of clothes that were screaming "50% OFF", until I saw the tiny "up to" in front of it and lost interest. They weren't my kind of clothes anyway - far too dressy.

The loch was looking very bleak with a thick mist lying. There weren't many folk out and about - just a few amblers and cyclists and four young men who had hired one of those buggies you have to pedal. They were having a whale of a time, whooping with delight as they careered along the paths at a great speed. Just as well the place was more or less deserted!

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