
Today's the day .......................... for creative design

Close to the River Kent in the middle of Kendal, there's a rambling collection of warehouses that used to be a carpet factory.  Over the past couple of years, this site has started to be re-developed into a dynamic collection of creative workspaces known, of course, as The Factory.  There was an Open Studios  event this weekend and we went along to see what was happening.

We have long loved the glasswork of Jo Vincent and the way that she uses this medium to convey the beauty of the landscape of the Lake District in hand crafted - wall panels, table tops, splashbacks chandeliers and all the other clever things she makes.  There was a variety of other artists' studios to visit - ceramics, paintings, sculptures - as well as The Factory Tap with its craft beers and food.

Music was good too - discovered a new band for us - The Hey Down Treaders ...........................

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