Christmas Shopping!

A lovely day today – cold, but lots of sunshine. We went to RSPB Leighton Moss, a place we ought to go to more often – as we say every time we go. We walked round and saw Otters and various birds, including a Marsh Tit, which we watched as it wandered amongst the trees. I was going to post the Tree Creeper (at least I think that’s what it was - see extra), as I was fascinated by how perfectly camouflaged it was against the bark of the tree. But in the end I had to post the Robin. It is startlingly easy to photograph Robins at Leighton Moss, as they are so used to people, but I liked this and it showed how wonderful the light was.
Then we went inside and spent a lot of money in the shop – an excellent place to do Christmas shopping and with such helpful people serving. Back to Morecambe for fish and chips and a walk by the sea.

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