Frock envy

Well, today ended up being a bit busier than I expected. I set off first thing with Son2 to take him to the station so he could meet his French class at Waterloo to set off on their exchange trip to Lille. However, we got to Haslemere to find it awash with buses and quickly realised it was a replacement bus service as there were no trains between Haslemere and Woking today. Not wanting to risk him being late for his rendezvous I decided to drive him to Woking station instead.

Anyway, we got there and I waved him off. I then returned home and walked the dogs with Mr Dawn Again. Then we decided to hit Petersfield for some Christmas shopping. When we'd had enough we set off home and at this point - I think prompted by the calendars I'd been looking at in W H Smith - I suddenly wondered when it was that Dad and I were going to see Katherine Jenkins (I knew it was some time this month). I checked my emails and, lo and behold, it was this evening! Neither I nor Dad had remembered to put it on our calendars so he was as surprised as I was when I called him to mention that we were going to Southampton for the evening, leaving in less than two hours.

Anyway, we got there in good time and the concert was superb. KJ has a voice as beautiful as she is with a personality to match - and a lovely collection of fairytale frocks (I counted at least four).

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