Sunday: Canon

It was a beautiful clear day today which makes for a lovely change after all the rain we have had.

My big boss (i.e my boss' boss) is going to be in town for the next two days.  I'll be with him and our first meeting tomorrow was at a place with which I wasn't familiar so we went for a recce drive as I wanted to know where I was going (we do have GPS but I wanted to be comfortable with the address).  Imagine my delight when it turned out to be in an area full of great street art.

From there, we headed downtown.  By complete chance we parked near the best second-hand bookshop in downtown Vancouver, Macleans.  8 books later...............We did say, though, it's one of the best bookshops we have been to.  It's a complete mess and totally ramshackle but there wasn't a dud book to be seen in there.  It was completely discerning.

And, in anticipation of forthcoming events, we also bought bad Christmas jumpers.   The problem with mine is that it's not really bad, just bad enough to look like I have dubious taste........

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