Record Shot

We were on the run aiming to leave Bristol before all the traffic later in the day. Then we stumbled upon this place...

Rise Vinyl Emporium, Bristol. Phenomenal shop – vinyl, books, clothes, memorabilia, staff best picks of the year, (CDs and DVDs too) and even better, a great coffee shop. Really buzzing and playing one of my favourite artists, Gillian Welch’s latest outake stuff.

Seb, here, was faintly bemused at my request for a picture. Hats off he was readily accomodating though. Despite not having time for more than one shot and hence no chance to put him more at ease, I quite like his expression.

“So what? It’s vinyl. Get over it.”

I still think that Jumbo Records of Leeds is up in the top cool, but I may just have to Reconsider its ranking, Baby...

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