People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Grad student meeting

My department has begun a series of meetings for graduate students, and as it is one of the hats I wear, I am happy to partake.

What you see above is my guided investigation of what is it that I research or intend to research. While some of it I know very well (the cognitive aspects of creativity), the part about creativity as a shared/communal activity was instigated by the prof who led the session. It was interesting to consider. I don't know just how much time I will spend there, but I do know that the most successful interventions to foster creativity happen in groups, and involve discussion and some degree of collaboration. Huh... More to ponder...

Then I read an article about top-down versus bottom-up creativity, and I am not sure what this means. Top-down attention means I CHOOSE to what I pay attention to, while bottom-up attention is stimulus-driven, meaning I turn my head when I hear a loud noise. I am not sure whether this relates to creativity, or does the top-down/bottom-up mean something else in this case? More to learn! :-)

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