A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Mono Monday 150 :: MM150 :: LOST

Or more to the point hobnobbing.

Today I went down to Sevenoaks where a local shop called Vintage Attic presented me with a prize of a Christmas wreath. This prize was my award for winning a photo competition run by Simply Sevenoaks for their front cover of next years accommodation guide.

The image that won was of my car Matilda at Lullingstone Castle I Blipped in September.

Afterwards we went to the Stag Theatre where the Sevenoaks Mayor, Andrew Eyre, presented to me a couple of complementary cinema tickets. Andrew (in the middle) is also the Chief Executive of the theatre and he showed us all around the theatre including the roof space and any other nook and cranny he could find. It's definitely somewhere you could get LOST in..!

Apart from 'yours truly' on the left taking the selfie the gent on the right is Barrie a fellow Orpington Photographic Society member and current chairman. As a runner up in the competition you could say he LOST... ;o)

Thanks to FlyingPRGal for hosting December's Mono Mondays. My link to her theme this week is a little strained but needs must when fitting a square peg into a round hole.

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