An interesting day

It had seemed like it was a fairly standard Tuesday; due to be a long one as I had a ticket for the school production and was planning on staying on after a meeting to attend. Instead, it ended up being a short day with the students sent home at 11am as we had no water and the water company had shifted their estimate for supply to be reinstated from 10am to 2pm. There was a relatively organised departure for the students and the last one left site just before half twelve. I managed to have a meeting that hadn't been booked in until we didn't have any students to teach. 

I was home to Bailey before three and we had a walk in the fog and then a bit of work done and another walk before I left Bailey to sleep and I headed back to school for the first night of High School Musical. They did really well with some great chorus singing and dancing and one or two stand out performances from students, including two of my Y11s from last year in the leading roles. And then home for a second time to Bailey, who had clearly slept the evening away on the spare bed. He was quite pleased to see me though, in a sleepy kind of way. 

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