December Sky

I went to visit the parents today - and I remembered my Dad's watch. He's very pleased! Now he just has to get it set up and running! His neighbour can help him should he need help as hers is a similar type.

I'd expected we were going to get their Christmas cards written but no, we had to go to Horncastle to the factory shop as apparently my Mum has no jumpers! I know she does have plenty - I've seen them! But they can't find them! I found them straight away, but we still had to go buy more! Whilst there she decided she needed a warmer coat too. They have forgotten about or mislaid the one she bought last winter also!

It amazes me that although my mum has forgotten so much through having Alzheimers, she is still obsessed with weight - hers and other people's. She's lost a lot of weight just because of health issues but she's always on about how happy she is that she has lost it, and feels the need to comment - often loudly or to their faces - about the weight of random strangers! and my weight too! It just makes me want to eat cake!

Anyway, after a brief panic when the train was late, I am glad to be home. It's been a long day! 

It's not over yet of course - I've work to go to tonight! I have switched going to my folks' from Monday to Tuesday now there's only two of us working on Monday as it is just too tiring, but I don't want to switch the Thursday visit to a day off too, or every day would either be a day for work or going over there!

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