Business Class and B Beeping

Ok here I am in Business Class in NuSuzz. I got an upgrade.
I suspect it was not a real upgrade but The Boss needed to take a couple of bins full of garden rubbish to the dump and he has to tilt the bark seats forward and then there is no bark seat for me so I got an upgrade.  Right?
The nice bloke at the green department…Not that it is coloured green but that’s where the green stuff goes to get converted into a different colour (are you following this) Oh..Anyway he had a tech issue so there was a lot of tech talk and of course I was recognised from an encounter with his 2 dogs a while ago when we almost went “Bush” except there wasn’t any…Bush…I think.

So I am sitting in Business class and off we go and this beeping starts. Beep Beep Beep etc etc etc and after a while after he has checked for open doors and attacking space craft the B Beeping stops. And then it starts again. AND it transpires (new word) that I am not heavy enough. I have known that for ages and drop hints all the time to no avail but if I was heavier it would beep all the time “Cos  my Business Class seat detects when people are not wearing their seat belt and complains. I was wearing MY seatbelt but there are no points for that.

I could complain to the equal opportunities seat belt compliance panel but really I can’t see the bleeping point.

Pawscript. Yes I do look a bit weird but the wind was blowing in the window  ‘Cos the car was m….Opps  gotta go now.

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