
By theBroon

Small Boy Big Hat

Meet Logan, our niece's wee boy who just turned 1yo last month.

Logan and his mum paid us a surprise visit this afternoon and it was great to see how much he'd grown since I last saw him.

He's a happy wee soul that took an interest in trying to fit tea candle glasses into their wooden holder and then figuring out why a round Vaseline tin wouldn't fit into the same holes.

Even when he was suitably togged up with big bobble hat we couldn't prise him away from his new find in this big world :-)

Thank you for all the comments and concerns about me getting home in one piece from yesterday's festive office outing. I can assure you I was a very good boy and was home at a respectable time and in reasonably good shape and still made our regular 9am tee off at Bathgate GC :-))

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