Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Keeping dry...

Irish Mick the builder fitted a flat roof for me in 1996.  I suspect he'd be better sticking to bricklaying.  After 7 years it started to leak and was patched up for another 5 .  Mick the Roofer tore it out and fitted another new bitumen and felt roof in 2007, complete with 10 year guarantee.  He was true to his word and has been out to fix and patch for the last 4 years but it has finally given up the ghost.  Enter Graham the Builder.  He's worked on the house for 10 years or so and is reliable, honest (well as honest as a builder can be) and does great work.  A perfectionist.

This week he's started fitting a fibreglass roof for me.  At 80 sq m it's not a small job and quite time consuming.  But it looks lovely - if you appreciate that sort of thing.  Contoured fibreglass guttering, fillets and fittings, pour on resin over fibreglass mats, expanding lead glue jointing for concrete balustrades and so on.  Oh joy, I may soon be able to get the hall redecorated.  Again. 

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