A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

4am Hear Smudge being sick, so got up to clean it up
4.15am Watch Gogglebox as I then couldn't sleep.
8am Watch the sunrise cerise in the east.
8.15am Fiddle about with camera, tree and tripod (yes tripod)
Seem to break settings on camera so leave it in a heap on the floor.
9am Crossword and puzzles with Beloved. And Smudge.
Put washing on
Bake ham
Make soup
Hang washing up finding that I'd left a tissue in the pocket.
Fly into kitchen as black bubbly stuff runs over le creuset
Watch as large black meringue looking object appears in bottom of oven.
Pull ham out and stick le creuset in sink.
Take clean washing upstairs. Empty knicker drawer and tidy. Smudge jumps in drawer space and goes to sleep in other knicker drawer
Take photo
Have lunch
Drop off bag at Auntie M's
12.30 Wash Mam's dishes
Wash Mam's hair
Make Mam lunch
Walk up road
Make coffee for T and me
First scrub of le creuset
14.00 Hunt for golden syrup for biscuit making.
Find mouse has eaten 2 packets of pasta and 3 chocolate biscuits
Empty cupboard
Find golden syrup is many years out of date and nearly solid
15.00 Go to supermarket for more golden syrup
16.00 Make and eat tea. This is not tea time. What's going on.
Have bath.

It was planned so differently in my head. Still, I have time to make the biscuits.

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