Day Off

Katie stayed with her friend last night as I was looking after their baby whilst the girls were in the show. I said I would pick her up for church as soon as they got up. It was 8.30 before they fully surfaced. Which meant that by the time I collected her at 9.15 it was time to go straight to there. She rather liked the opportunity to go to in her onesie. They had their final music rehearsal after the service ready for their little performance to the church next week. We had a lunch all together after the service and she had some time with my brother in law whilst I was pottering round. 

After church we stopped home quickly to get her some clothes then went out to meet my parents. It's the Festival of Christmas in our town. One thing our town does extremely well is events like this. The entire town centre embraces it - a huge Georgian-themed market, a craft market, the Festival of Christmas Trees, parade, bands, music... its wonderful. We didn't do a massive amount of it today but enough to have a great time. We bought mulled wine and impressive hot chocolates. We listened to a couple of bands - bag pipes, a wind band (she liked the bassoon with a fur worm hanging out of it and the baritone saxophone). She played in the snow of a snow-blowing machine, we explored the Christmas Tree festival. She can't help but dancing round the place, even when she's meant to be on a rest day! I took her for a little walk to the shopping centre to look at the stalls there and the wee Christmas grotto. 

We headed home and put her in the bath, she was beginning to flag. Granny and Grandad were out buying tea for us. She was out of her bath just as they got back and barely managed to hang on staying awake until the food was cooked. She was asleep shortly after 6pm. I'm pleased she's happy to rest up (to some extent!) on her quiet days - I am hoping it stands us in good stead for making it through the run well! She's doing brilliantly!! 

Extra is her... just normal her... unable to help herself! 

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