
By Dollykgray

MonoMonday - Found

I spent most of the day cleaning and catching up on chores after the last few weeks of painting. it was a cold and miserable day, anyway, not cold enough for snow so it drizzled most of the day. I walked to a friend's house and we walked her dog through the mud and puddles then ended up at mine for Prosecco and to work out our Christmas Eve menu.
When they were leaving I tried to blip Mo, a black miniature pincher, who is very hard to see in the dark. His collar lights up with little red lights so he can be FOUND on a dark night. The image looked rather strange after I had enhanced it on the computer enough to make the dog visible, rather flat and shadow like. I had to use a high ISO and a lot of exposure and brightness adjustment resulting in a lot of noise. However, i rather like the result.
Thanks to Flying PRGal for hosting.

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