Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


I forgot to say on my last blip I forgot my camera and we forgot the phone charger so we were a bit limited with the photos I could take.

This is the four charges at Twycross sitting on a gorilla.

Not a real gorilla I hasten to add.

I struggle with zoos. I am never quite sure if I like them or not. The hairless chimp there is totally fascinating. It's like something out of a movie as you can see all his muscles. He was not happy today and was charging about the enclosure bashing and banging on the doors.

Most of the monkeys look thoroughly depressed to be honest. There were two gibbons in their enclosures rocking. The place is also not very well signposted. That being said we did have a good wander around the place and some of the enclosures are really interesting.

Then you look at some of the animals and read about their fate in the wild and think that at least they are held for conservation.

The pet section was good and the bird aviary was a delight.

The sign posting was terrible and I led everyone around with a map.

Meerkats to your left....this way to the flamingoes.

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