secret garden

By freespiral

Fairy Walk

An abysmal day yesterday and the blip mojo up and deserted. I had to go over to Clonakilty in lashing rain and thick fog to collect the emergency robin order. The printing presses were red hot and the staff looking a bit exhausted. In the evening we went to the last art house of the year - a Woody Allen Film, Café Society. I think Woody Allen really only makes one film - seen and heard it before but it looked good. Chips before, and wine after the showing. TJ came too so nice to have a catch up.

A beautiful day today and I didn't have to go far for a bit of wildness  - this is the start of the Fairy Walk, looking a little overgrown, the fairies are winning. Tonight it's the book Club bash. Pot luck and a film. I'm rustling up a rice salady thing. Catch up tomorrow.

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