Cysga di fy mhlentyn tlws

Mae ein hŵyr newydd wedi gadael yr ysbyty o'r diwedd.   Roedd e'n dda iawn i ymweld e (a'i rhieni) ar adre.

Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog - Cysga di fy Mhlentyn Tlws

Cysga di fy mhlentyn tlws
Cysga di fy mhlentyn tlws
Cysga di fy mhlentyn tlws
Cei gysgu tan y bore
Cei gysgu tan y bore.

Our new grandson has left the hospital at last. It was very good to visit him (and his parents) at home.

Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog - Cysga di fy Mhlentyn Tlws

Sleep you now, my pretty child
Sleep you now, my pretty child
Sleep you now, my pretty child
Sleep until the morning
Sleep until the morning

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