Stage two - the French follow-on

A 4:30 am start (starting to feel horribly normal) saw DS#1, Charlotte A and myself catch the Channel Tunnel and start of drive to the south. An audiobook from the Benebcula library helped pass the miles - or should I say kilometres.
Just north of Clermont Ferrand a plane had clearly gone bananas over the Puy De Dome leaving a curios set of trails as you can see.
A brief stop to purchase vitals in the sausage shop that never shuts and  we arrived at the house - after a quick drink en passant in the village bar -  to find parking at the rear of the house at a premium on account of the fact our parking space was occupied by three diggers and what looked like the world's biggest chainsaw mounted on a truck. Waterworks I suspect.
Water and electricity turned on and the fire lit and the place didn't seem too bad if a little on the chill side - seven degrees centigrade the thermometer said.
Either way the van

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