
By hannahstar

The beginnings of my Christmas card design. There's a long way to go yet and I'm not even sure if it will work! I just get these ideas and I have to try them out!!

Today was ok. Had a rather horrible experience with a gigantic spider inside a welly boot at work this morning, (which I was wearing at the time I discovered the spider). I then, without fully realizing until too late, unleashed the monster into the peaceful classroom, causing absolute chaos! 

The afternoon was rather chaotic too. Had to make gingerbread men with the children. Sounds simple but add gluten free flour into the mix, plus hoards of children asking me if they can have a turn, plus my complete lack of baking skills and it all gets rather complicated!!
I think some of the staff could tell I was a bit overwhelmed and so after work the teacher from the next door reception class invited me to go out for a hot chocolate which was lovely. A relaxing way to end a busy day!

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