Life on the edge...

By bru22

Little bear...

I turned into a complete sop today... Ok maybe I have always been a sop but I used my soppiness like never before.

I knew X started teaching again today as it was the first day back to school. I also knew how tired she would be as she had a full 6 classes with very little break (she is a music teacher) and spoke to me until about 1am last night... So... I text her about wishing I was home when she got home from work etc... Just so I could put a little smile on her face... Since I am on tour... I thought about sending her something to make her smile... So here it is... She took this picture and sent it back to me, a single red rose, chocolates (which she said she will save so we can share them in my first break!!!!' SCORE!!) a vase included and a card with my own little message for my own little koala bear...

I miss her trillions...

So glad I had the balls to send this!! It made her one happy little bear!! :-).

Mission accomplished!

Today we busked in Newcastle but for various reasons had to stop, drove to Edinburgh where we busked for a few hours then the rain hit and again we had to stop, in the same moment John rushed to moved the tour bus closer to our pitch only to reverse straight into a post and smash one of the back windows of the cage!!! So tomorrow morning we have to get a new blackout window for the back section of the tour bus!!! He was gutted, frustrating as he was just trying to rush faster to get things put away slightly quicker.... Accidents happens!

I am now out near Lanark I think... Spending the night in a farmhouse with 6 of the band at John's Mother in laws!! Bless her heart.

Sitting with a cheesy grin on my face. I love making other people smile.. Absolutely addicted to it. Especially bears smile :)

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