Sing me to sleep

The call in the middle of the night, the call you've known is coming, the call you've known is overdue, the call that still breaks your heart.

Beautiful frail Little Old Lady slipped away to her final sleep in the early hours, a thankful rest, journeys well earned end.

I'm a child of the seventies, worse I spent part of my formative years near Blackpool - in the land of my youth Mother-in-law jokes were the staple fodder of Saturday night entertainment. Even then I knew my family life wasn't the norm, but in 1991 when I first met Mollie and the Burns family I realised how different it was. Sure other families have stresses and strains, and it's fair to say that the Mollie I met back then had a fierce reputation and an iron resolve in her tiny frame - but from that very first meeting by the fireside she made me feel welcome & loved in a new family - 26 years on and life had mellowed that fierceness, well a little, but the welcome, the palpable sense of love, it still shone brightly from her tired twinkling eyes. I'm proud to say I loved my Mother-in-law deeply, there is no punchline tonight.

I've experienced loss in its sudden and cruellest way - I've also born witness to the slow lingering  loss of self that MND brought my uncle. This last week, watching Mollie fall slowly away into that final sleep hasn't been a sadness, hasn't ,as I might once of thought, been a terrible experience to be endured - its been a blessing. To know goodbyes have been said, that's she's at peace, to know as she so obviously did, that it's time to say adieu, but that love lasts eternal.

Philosophy Friday

Don't feel bad for me
I want you to know
Deep in the cell of my heart
I really want to go

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