My Aim is True



Got to meet two of my best friends today, lunch and some drinks. And great chat too. Their circumstances have changed in the last couple of years so our get-togethers are not as regular (or as raucous) as they once were. I was saying to another blipper that I occasionally cull friends, however these are two that I know will always be around.

After I went for a stroll through the gardens to have a look at the reindeer. they are very nice, but a bit small, I expected huge beasts - they really don't look up to pulling a sleigh and a big fat chap.

The hot mead man was telling me last week that his neighbour, Amalia Lavengra is doing a roaring trade. The queue that day and today was several people long. She charges either £20, £30 or £40 depending on what sort of "reading" the gullib..sorry, the clients want. Apparently she gets lots of repeat business. ???? I was therefore delighted when I got an email from these lovely people with a handy guide to becoming a psychic. Next year it coule be me in that gypsy caravan.

And how odd that her family only goes back to the 16th century. I wonder wehre they sprung from.

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