
The first time I saw them she had a black dress on, in the way back she had changed somewhere to a red one. Rosie thought they looked like fabulous sports ready for a good game and went bouncing up to them, I had to employ my very best shouting to get her to leave them alone and not to jump up on the lady's pretty and glamorous dress.

Then it was a Bedroom Clearout, the biannual trip to the loft to put the camping stuff up and bring the Christmas stuff down and a Christmas tree hunt. I started to get a little worried after the first three places which had trees two weeks ago had about 5 left but the farm shop provided a fabulous range and the nice boy gave us £10 off for buying one of the very big ones he was worried about getting rid of. Then a lovely family time decorating the tree. Will was very incredibly enthusiastic and joyful as ever, Daisy a tiny bit less so. Including the most festive phrase ever I need to record for posterity "that is just fucking disgusting"

Then the gym, first time for two whole weeks and a bath with red wine. All good stuff.

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