One Week To Go

Hard to believe we are in the final week before Christmas Eve.  I spent quite a bit of time this morning trying to get the shaped bokeh; paper cutout, aperture, f-stop, etc.  I think I need a new lens that allows a wider aperture.  But Christmas is only a week away.....  Anyway, after buying the little snowflake paper punch, I was determined to make it work.  This was my best effort.

It snowed half the day and we probably picked up another 5-6 inches of new white stuff and finally the temperatures are a bit more tolerable at 20F.  
Did I mention winter is not my favorite time of year?  I waited til 2 for the plow guy to clear the driveway and went down to the post office to mail the gifts for the nieces and nephew only to find out they closed at 11! Not the most productive day I've had in awhile.

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