Hill Top Ramblings

By janepetleyjones

A journey

Inspired by the book I am reading through our book group, The Goldfinch, featuring a rare Dutch masterpiece by Fabritius, today Rob, Jenny and I journeyed to Edinburgh. By one of those strange coincidences this work normally housed in Holland is on display in the National Gallery only until tomorrow.
Perhaps because of this deadline we felt we could not miss the opportunity.
We arrived in good time to beat the crowds and were admitted free of charge - good old Scotland.
And there it was, a small free standing display at eye level. We could get so close to this little gem and just gaze without interruption. It seems almost three dimensional and looks right back at you with its beady eye.
The information on the back of the display tells of how Fabritius died in a terrible explosion in Delft with the loss of hundreds of lives and nearly all of his work. What would he have done if he had survived?
So glad I made the pilgrimage, it adds a great deal to my enjoyment of the novel.
Edinburgh was absolutely heaving with Xmas revellers but we found somewhere for a quiet lunch and strolled up the Royal Mile before cruising home on the Pendolino.
Great day!

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