Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Bit of a lie in this morning. J took Kilda to fly ball. Seems she had a good session and managed to get over all the hurdles, collect a ball and then get back to J. Looks like they are coming around to her there. While they were away I managed to catch up on blips and then finish editing all the land photos from the holiday this year. Also started to send them over to holiday mum and dad. After lunch we took Kilda for a run at Cammo and then stopped off at Sainbury’s on the way back. Headed up town to the market to meet MS, SC and a couple of their friends for drinks in the market. Kilda was well behaved but tried to eat everything on the floor as normal. Back to finish watching Strictly from last night and then the results. Early to bed. Quick snap of the new penguin door stop we bought on Broughton street on Friday. Wonder how long it wil be before Kilda tries to drag it around the flat.

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