We had a lovely service at church this morning led by Anne and Dave, who have been with us for four years, but are moving in the next few days to live nearer their family.  We shall miss them and pray that they soon settle into their new home and find a new church too.

The service was a mix of familiar carols, traditional readings, prayers and a couple of meditations by Joseph and Mary, all of which made us think. There was also a presentation from the diaries of Joseph and Theodore (the name given to Joseph’s father, although he is not actually mentioned by name in the Bible), which made us laugh, but also made us ponder how they must both have felt at the news they were given by Mary.  We listened to this song too, Joseph's Song, which is really beautiful.

I wondered why Anne had asked me a few weeks ago for the knitted pattern of Baby Jesus and today I found out.  There were two baskets with little knitted figures and also some nappy pins which were passed round so that each member of the congregation could take one or the other, to remind us of the meaning of Christmas.  

At the end of the service, Anne also sent round a box of Quality Street chocolates for us to share and enjoy with our cup of coffee.

In the busyness of the run up to Christmas Day, when things get very hectic, perhaps we should all take some time out to ponder and reflect on the real reason for the season - as Anne said, it’s not about the money or the big presents, but about HIS PRESENCE - and I pray that we may all know that in a very real way this Christmas time.

Keith said a few words of thanks to Anne and Dave for their ministry among us over the last four years and then Howard presented them with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, after which Susan, Christine and Stephen gathered round them to pray - and I share the prayer of blessing we all said to each other at the end of the service.

Let us go in faith to ponder in our hearts
The mystery of this moment.
And may life be born within you,
Jesus Christ be seen among you
And joy surround you like the angels’ song.

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