On another path

Treulion ni tipyn bach o amser yn yr ardd, symud pren a thaclus ychydig o bethau. Yn y noswaith aethon ni i'r Gwasanaeth Carol gydag Eglwys Iesu Grist Saint y Dyddiau Diwethaf yn Rhiwbeina. Roedd e'n neis iawn rannu amser ac yn dathlu gyda phobol o'r grefydd wahanol - ar lwybr arall, gallech chi'n ddweud. Maen nhw'n i gyd mor groesawgar a gyfeillgar.

We spent a bit of time in the garden, moving wood and tidying a few things. In the evening we went to a Carol Service with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Rhiwbina. It was really nice to share time and celebrate with people of a different religion - on another path, you might say. They are all so welcoming and friendly.

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