
By HareBrain


Apparently, Manhunt is a popular classic outdoor game you can play with a large group of friends or plan a game for kids to get them out in the fresh air. I discovered all this on our market today when I came across several very different looking people! I am spoilt for choice for a pic of any one of the very different people I spotted. One of these characters told me they were from a Church Group from Derby and every year for the last 30 years or so the people from this church come to stay at Cloverley Hall in Whitchurch, Shropshire and then participate in this game. I was told that at the moment there are 100 people, comprising of parents, children, organisers and participants from the church who are staying at Cloverley Hall and have visited our market today. The children have been ferried here (with parents) and have to spot people who they think 'stand out in a crowd' . Points are then scored for the person (child) who recognises the most people who 'stand out in a crowd' but I didn't have time to enquire what prizes were on offer! I think this cool dude in our 'olde worlde market town' definitely 'stood out in the crowd'!!

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